Massivemedia is a cool street level marketing company with low prices. One cool thing is a sticker advertising program. We post removable stickers in cool places to reach your customers where they hang.
People call us because we are creative, buttoned up and have the lowest pricing.
We thoughtfully design sticker advertising to be cool and reach the right target
Larger stickers can be even more impactful and can be used by clients who typically would not use non traditional media. Great creative always works.
we post stickers
Massivemedia is a cool street level marketing company with low prices. One cool thing is a sticker advertising program. We post removable stickers in cool places to reach your customers where they hang.
People call us because we are creative, buttoned up and have the lowest pricing.
Advertise with a combination of Stickers and magnets for an ambient Marketing experience that is long lasting and available to travel
professional sticker printing and installation in New York and other cities
Massivemedia is a cool street level marketing company with low prices. One cool thing is a sticker advertising program. We post removable stickers in cool places to reach your customers where they hang.
People call us because we are creative, buttoned up and have the lowest pricing.
Some times stickers can be large. We like to advertise with larger graphics and deliver a cool environmental changing experience
Massivemedia is a cool street level marketing company with low prices. One cool thing is a sticker advertising program. We post removable stickers in cool places to reach your customers where they hang.
People call us because we are creative, buttoned up and have the lowest pricing.
We place signage in our networks of stores nationwide
Posting stickers is one of the first urban art forms. We have been posting stickers professionally since the beginning. Advertising stickers are highly targetable and be can place them exactly where your young customers are. Considered a lifestyle marketing tactic, we place them alone of in groups and sometimes we ill hand write messages on the stickers to delver a more personal message. Sticker tagging is great for all kinds of clients. I would use stickers in locations where I know that my target is all the time such as a bar, skate shop, or music venue. Posting stickers for advertising should only be done by responsible suppliers who know what kind of material and adhesive to use to get the most out of the sticker but not damage the property that it is adhered to.